Old Bridge Girls Soccer League spring registration is now open for recreational soccer and Just4kixs, soccer for special needs kids. Register today for the early-bird discount for ages 3 through 18. Register at www.oldbridgegirlssoccer.com.
Cheesequake Baseball is holding registration for the 2016 spring season. Mail-in registration is available online at leaguelineup.com/cqba. Registration is due by March 15.
Olympic medalists Fabian Hambuechen of Germany and Ryohei Kato of Japan are among the 14 international gymnasts who have accepted invitations to compete at the 2016 AT&T American Cup at the Prudential Center at 11:30 a.m. March 5.
Five Red Bank Regional High School student-athletes recently signed to play college sports at the schools they will be attending next year: Jon Pierce, Shrewsbury, Susquehanna University, lacrosse; Madison Wood, Little Silver, Farleigh Dickinson University, girls lacrosse; Claudio LoBriaco, Shrewsbury, Swarthmore College, baseball; Lauren Sapone, Little Silver, Dartmouth College, cross-country and track; and Nicholas Massa, Shrewsbury, Manhattan College, baseball.