Metuchen-Edison Hadassah Progressive Dinner slated for Jan. 23

Metuchen-Edison Hadassah’s Progressive Dinner will be held on Jan. 23, starting at 7 p.m. The snow date is Jan. 30.
Participants will gather together for appetizers at a member’s home in Metuchen, then split into smaller, pre-assigned groupings for a main course at several individual homes. At 9:30 p.m., the full group will reassemble for desserts at another member’s Edison home. This year’s desserts will be catered by acclaimed local caterer, Georgette Chinitz.
The cost for the dinner, which raises funds for Hadassah programs in Israel and around the world, is $42 per person for a Hadassah member ($84 per couple if one of the two is a member), $45 per person ($90 per couple) for non-members. Optionally, attendees can pay $25 per person to participate in either appetizers or desserts (no main course).
Registration is by Jan. 15. For details and registration instructions, contact Debra at 732-632-8066 or emall [email protected].