NT Business Briefs Jan. 27

Dr. Marc Cohen of Marlboro Podiatry Center, Manalapan, traveled to Israel in November 2015 to join the American Healthcare Professionals and Friends for Medicine in Israel’s Podiatric Scientific Mission in Israel. The goal of the APF is to form relationships between American physicians and Israeli physicians and to encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques. During the 12-day visit, Dr. Cohen joined more than 25 podiatric surgeons who participated in this mission. A highlight of the were the educational lectures and workshops at three major medical centers visited during the mission. Topics included limb salvage, trauma, wound care and surgical intervention. Dr. Cohen has been in practice in Manalapan for more than 25 years.


Kathy Lo Bue, managing director, Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC, will host “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” on Feb. 3 in the St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Center, 61 Georgia Rd., Freehold Township, from 7-9 p.m. This is part of an ongoing discussion series. The topic “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” became popularized after the book by Dr. John Gray was written more than 20 years ago. This title raised many points which remain true: men and women have approached relationships and problem solving from different points of view for thousands of years. The guest speaker will be Father James J. Grogan, parochial vicar of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown. Grogan will share some insights from his personal experience that will open discussions of how to view differences and actually learn from each other. The series is free, non–sectarian and open to the community. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. To reserve a seat, call 732-866-6660.

Turning Point Restaurants will again partner with the Kortney Rose Foundation (KRF) to hold the seventh annual fundraiser “Great Food for a Great Cause” on Feb. 27-28 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at all 11 Turning Point locations, including Manalapan. Guests at Turning Point who donate a minimum of $25 to KRF on either day will receive a Turning Point gift card good for two entrées to be used any time in the future.  Last year the event generated more than $51,000 for the KRF, which raises funds for pediatric brain tumor research at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Over the past six years, the Turning Point weekend event has raised a total of $150,000.   KRF was founded by Kristen and Rich Gillette in memory of their daughter, Kortney, who died from a brain tumor in 2006.Their foundation reached a milestone in 2015 when, after just nine years, it surpassed $1 million in donations to CHOP.

December saw the store windows of Colts Neck take on a festive look as the Colts Neck Business Association held its annual holiday window painting contest for Colts Neck High School art students. The event culminated in an awards breakfast held at the high school on Jan. 8.

CNBA President Sue Fitzpatrick and CNBA members Carolyn Burtnick and Monica Vermuelen presented the awards The holiday window painting award winners are Sarah Bond and Chloe Spencer, first place for Perkins; Dominique Masia, second place for Orlando’s Pizza; and Sam Carvahlo and Emily Leonardo, third place for Inspire Paint.

On March 15, the CNBA will host a networking luncheon at Trump National Golf Course. Tickets are available at coltsneckbusiness.org. The event is open to all. CNBA members can advertise their businesses at the event by purchasing a vendor table, providing a small item with the business’s logo (e.g., pen, flashlight) to be put in a “swag bag” that will be given to each attendee, or donating a gift basket to be raffled off.

The CNBA officers for 2016 are Sue Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Printing, president; Greg Calderaro of Colts Neck Financial, vice president; Patty Vollherbst of Colts Neck Computing, vice president; Alison Antenucci of Burns Brothers Custom Carpentry, recording secretary; Chris Mulvaney of CMDS Internet Marketing Company, corresponding secretary; and Dino Nicoletta, treasurer.

LeTip of Manalapan meets at 7 a.m. every Thursday at the Battleground Country Club, 1 Covenhoven Road, Manalapan. Several positions for local businesses are still open. Details: Jeff Weiss, 732-536-8800, or Brian Wong, 908-581-6288.

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