Staged radio play ‘The Man Who Would be King” with be presented on Feb. 18

“The Man Who Would be King,” a staged radio play, will be presented by Raconteur Radio and Mt. Zion Lodge No. 135 of Free and Accepted Masons on Feb. 18.

The play is based on Rudyard Kipling’s classic yarn,  which tells the tall and timeless tale of two rogue soldiers and Freemasons who set off from 19th-century British India in search of adventure, and end up as Kings of Kafiristan. It is a time of mission and mystery, of forbidden lands, and of wealth often described as untold. Royal soldiers-con men, Danny and Peachy, climb mountains and cross glaciers to penetrate the forbidden territories where, through luck, battle, and a series of masonic coincidences, they realize their wildest dreams.  There will be a special introduction by Lee Pfeiffer, a James Bond/Sean Connery “scholar” and expert in films of the sixties and seventies.

The play will be held in at the Mt. Zion Lodge No. 135 of Free and Accepted Masons, with one showing, at 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 18. Ticket includes a tour of the Lodge and Masonic artifacts, snacks and drinks (provided by the Borough Improvement League).

Ticket are $15 per person are available online with an additional 75 cents surcharge at: with a  75 cents surcharge. They are also available at: Marafiki Fair Trade, 20 New Street, 732-902-6300, the  Borough Improvement League, Tyreen Reuter, 862-368-2202, or Mt. Zion Lodge No. 135 of Free & Accepted Masons, Cristian A. Ossa, 732-482-9654.