No injuries after roof collapse

By Jennifer Amato
Staff Writer

SOUTH AMBOY – The sounds of creaking and wood breaking were precursors to a portion of the roof of the Roller Magic Skating Rink collapsing.

At around 12 p.m. on Jan. 26, South Amboy police received a call from someone at the rink informing them of the noises. Upon investigation the outside roof, emergency service personnel were able to observe a large amount of snow piled up on the one section of the roof, according to a statement released by the police department.

The building was evacuated, and the gas and electric were turned off at the street, police said.

Emergency service personnel were able to gain access to the area where the structural framing of the roof is located and observed multiple broken support beams that were still deteriorating.

Prior to units clearing the scene, one section of the interior ceiling collapsed.

The building was deemed not structurally sound into cleared by an architect and engineers, according to police.