Police investigating pro KKK fliers

Red Bank police are currently investigating complaints of Klu Klux Klan fliers placed on residents homes as a bias incident, according to borough Chief of Police Darren McConnell.

Dozens of complaints were received by police regarding the fliers, starting on Sunday night at around 10 o’clock and into Monday morning.

“Sunday night we were made aware of the first ones, more were discovered Monday morning,” McConnell said, also saying that a similar incident occurred in December 2014 when pro-KKK leaflets were passed out in the borough.

The fliers where in Ziploc bags filled with stones as to ensure they would remain on the lawns of residents to be viewed on Martin Luther King Jr Day.

According to McConnell, the fliers contained disparaging information about Martin Luther King, calling him a “communist pervert”. The fliers where primarily distributed east of Prospect Avenue, which some placed at the homes of residents of Fair Haven.

McConnell said the department is working with police in Fair Haven to investigate the incident.

The fliers also named the group the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, which is based in Pelham, North Carolina, as well as a phone number for the group.

According to McConnell, the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office had been notified of the incident.

In a press release, borough Councilman Edward Zipprich addressed the incident.

“As representative of all the people in Red Bank, I abhor the distribution of hateful
fliers, weighted with stones, by the KKK during the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday yesterday,” he wrote, calling the act “repugnant”.
“The distribution of KKK fliers is far from civil, or even civilized. The Borough of
Red Bank has worked hard over many years to build an inclusive community
through the efforts of leaders who helped to establish our own Human Relations
Advisory Committee. Those efforts will not be thwarted by the likes of faceless
and nameless cowards who distribute these hate filled pages in a pathetic effort
to diminish the monumental accomplishments of a great, African-American, peaceful leader,” he concludes.