HILLSBOROUGH: Sports dome application is postponed to April 6 

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
Testimony on an application to build a state-of-the art athletic and recreation facility on Hillsborough Road has been postponed until Wednesday, April 6.
Chris Corsini, attorney for Apex Sports and Events, asked the Board of Adjustment for the postponement last Wednesday night, Jan. 20. He said the applicant needed time to review a report from Somerset County planners.
Proposed is an 181,395-square-foot facility with two air-inflated domes — one reaching about eight stories high.
The facility for year-round sports leagues, team training, children’s parties and events, tournaments, banquets, trade shows and graduation ceremonies might have the potential to attract perhaps 3,000 people a day, says information filed with the application.
The project is proposed on the north side of Hillsborough Road, east of the Route 206 bypass about three-quarters of a mile west of Willow Road.
The application is in two phases. The zoning board is first being asked to decide if such a facility can be located in the area zoned agricultural residential. The board must also decide if heights of buildings are acceptable.
If those two considerations are approved, then the owner, Henbell Associates, with an address on Dogwood Drive, Hillsborough, would have to return with detailed architectural and site plans.