MONTGOMERY, MANVILLE: Two churches partner to feed hungry

Montgomery Evangelical Free Church of the Belle Mead section of Montgomery Township and Faith in Action Church in Manville have joined efforts to feed the hungry in Manville.
A free hot meal will be served monthly each third Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. at Faith in Action, which is located at 228 South Main St., Manville. All are welcome with no questions asked. Contact the church at 908-252-1617 or email [email protected].
For more than two years, the Montgomery Evangelical has been serving a free hot meal every Saturday, through its Abundant Harvest Community Kitchen, providing nutritious food, fellowship and a sense of belonging to its neighbors in need.
However, because the church is located one mile off Route 206, there is no public transportation to Abundant Harvest. According to Don Sears, Abundant Harvest coordinator, “If they can get a ride, people come. If not, they are unable to benefit from this ministry. Although we currently average about 25 people each week when people can get a ride to our location, we have served in excess of 60. Obviously, there are people in need, but they just can’t get to us.”
As a result, the church has begun a partnership with the Faith in Action Christian Church in Manville. Montgomery volunteers prepare the food and take it to the Faith in Action fellowship hall, which can easily accommodate 100 people for a sit-down meal.
Pastor Willa Rollins of Faith in Action said that the number of attendees will undoubtedly increase once word of the free meal spreads.
“In partnership with Pastor Rollins and our friends at Faith in Action, our common goal to reach more hungry people with the food we prepare, build relationships in the community and provide comfort to hurting, needy people is within reach,” said Mr. Sears.
The first monthly meal at Faith in Action was served Jan. 16. Baked rosemary and lemon chicken, rice with black beans and peppers, peas and carrots, tossed green salad and assorted desserts was a rousing success. All who came thoroughly enjoyed the hot meal provided by Montgomery Evangelical and the hospitality provided by Faith in Action volunteers.
“This was a great start to an exciting partnership with our friends at Faith in Action. Volunteers from both churches worked together wonderfully to serve our brothers and sisters in need” said Beth Sears, Abundant Harvest liaison to Faith in Action.
For information about the Abundant Harvest Community Kitchen ministry contact [email protected] or 908-874-4643. 