Howell road improvements authorized

By Jennifer Ortiz
Staff Writer

HOWELL – The Township Council has awarded contracts for road improvements on Sunset Drive, Larrabee Boulevard and Kent Road.

A resolution to authorize a contract for improvements to Kent Road was awarded to Lucas Brothers Inc., Morganville, in the amount of $604,816.

According to Howell’s Department of Community Development and Land Use, Lucas Brothers will reconstruct Kent Road through the S-curve near the intersection of Brown Road. The improvements will meet New Jersey Department of Transportation design standards. Concrete curbing will be installed for improved drainage and safety. A drainage collection system will be constructed to remove storm water and snow melt from the road.

The contractor will install about 1,600 linear feet of pipe, 3,600 linear feet of new curb and 1,600 tons of asphalt. Detours will be set up at the end of March and daily road closures will occur. Construction is expected to begin around April 1, according to municipal officials.

A resolution to authorize a contract for improvements to Larrabee Boulevard was awarded to Lucas Brothers in the amount of $1.28 million.

According to the Department of Community Development and Land Use, work will encompass the full reconstruction of Larrabee Boulevard, Shetland Avenue and Waverly Place. A small section of Station Place will be eliminated and those driveways will be extended to Route 547. Waverly Place will be connected to eliminate dead ends.

In an effort to keep costs down and meet New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) storm water regulations, Lucas Brothers will construct gentle roadside swales along Larrabee Boulevard. This portion of the project will allow storm water runoff to infiltrate back into the ground over long linear swales and property will not have to be acquired for the construction of numerous detention basins, according to municipal officials.

In areas where swales are not possible, perforated drainage pipe will be installed to remove storm water from the road and provide for infiltration. One drainage basin was required per DEP regulations and that will be installed on the northwest corner of the Waverly Place and Lanes Pond Road intersection. Concrete curbing will be built near all intersections to prevent pavement creep on the corners, according to the township.

In total, Lucas Brothers will install 4,600 feet of pipe, 3,000 linear feet of new curb and 4,500 tons of asphalt, among various other items in the project. Initial drainage construction is expected to begin by March 1. Once drainage construction enters the roads, detours will be set up and daily road closures will occur.

A resolution was passed by the council to award a professional services contract to CME Associates, Howell’s consulting engineer, for professional engineering services for improvements to Larrabee Boulevard. The contract totals $98,300.

According to the Department of Community Development and Land Use, CME Associates’ services will include contract preparation, utility coordination, shop drawing review, meeting coordination, construction observation, overall project management, payment review, and approval and project closeout.

A resolution was passed by the council to award a professional services contract to CME Associates for professional engineering services for Sunset Drive drainage improvements. The contract totals $105,000.

CME Associates’ services will include contract preparation, utility coordination, shop drawing review, meeting coordination, construction observation, overall project management, payment review, and approval and project closeout.

A resolution to authorize a contract for drainage improvements to Sunset Drive was awarded to P&A Construction Inc., Rahway, in the amount of $1.35 million.

According to the Department of Community Development and Land Use, P&A Construction will replace the existing undersized drainage outfall at Burnt Tavern Road in the Ramtown section of Howell and will continue with a new trunk-line pipe installation up Western Drive to Sunset Drive and up Sunset Drive to Clark Drive where it will terminate.

Collection systems will be replaced on Blake Drive up to the existing low point and on Wilson Drive up to Clark Drive. Once all of the drainage system is installed, P&A Construction will follow-up with partial curb and driveway replacement. They will then mill and pave the entire area within the limits of the pipe installation.

Overall, the contractor will install 4,500 linear feet of pipe, 8,000 linear feet of new curb and 2,800 tons of asphalt, among various other items in the project. Construction is expected to begin around April, according to township officials.

Mayor Bill Gotto, Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro, Councilman Edward Guz and Councilman Robert Walsh voted in favor of all of the resolutions. Councilwoman Pauline Smith was not in attendance at the council meeting.