Library employee helps programs succeed

I just read the article about the positive changes in our Monmouth County Library System and would like to add one more commendation that my wife and I would like to offer and that is to Joan Moss.

We have been attending many activities that the main branch in Manalapan has been offering for a long time. Whatever the program is, whether it is a jazz or other musical event, the regular movie screenings or even the monthly reading group discussions, no one works harder than Joan Moss.

At the musical events, she sets up the risers for the musicians, moves the grand piano into its proper position and does an excellent job as sound mixer, making sure the audio is properly balanced.

Once that is done, she can be seen scurrying around the audience taking photos of the events. For our monthly reading group meetings, she makes sure there are enough tables and chairs in place for the members.

Those are only the activities we see her performing. I am sure there is a lot more that she does behind the scenes in her office.

So, Joan, as the new year begins, thanks for all your hard work in helping to make the library a great place to come to for the many activities that are offered.


Leon and Rhoda Sirulnick
