The path to success: a career in real estate

According to Weichert, Realtors, there are three common perks that draw people to pursue a career in real estate: the opportunity for independence, the ability to create their own flexible hours, and the potential to earn unlimited income. With the freedom to operate like an entrepreneur, being a real estate agent is very much like owning one’s own business, where the only limits to success are the amount of effort put into the job and an individual’s ability to get results.

Perhaps the greatest benefit a career in real estate provides is flexibility. Many agents find it easier to strike a healthy work-life balance because they can make their own hours — something that can be particularly appealing to a stay-at-home parent. The flexible schedule of a real estate professional also allows for a smooth transition for those who want to first establish their real estate career before giving up their current job.

Each of these elements contributes greatly to the ever-growing number of sales professionals in the industry, but equally important to maximizing success in real estate is gaining an understanding of how a real estate company will help its agents achieve their goals.

“A career in the real estate industry is appealing to people from all types of professional backgrounds,” said Melinda Harrington, career development manager for Weichert, Realtors. “We understand that every new sales associate comes to us with a unique set of skills and experience. With that in mind, we work with each new agent individually to offer the full-service support and guidance they need to help them enhance their efforts and maximize their careers.”

Weichert, Realtors offers the tools and support necessary to get those interested in real estate licensed and trained so they can be well on their way to establishing their new career in a matter of a few weeks. The company helps would-be agents meet pre-licensing requirements and offers them the necessary training and marketing resources to start their career. Then, the company’s unique mentoring plan and lead generation system are designed to help generate business for sales associates so they can begin earning income quickly.

“The perfect combination of advanced training and resources along with Weichert’s exceptional reputation allows our sales associates to flourish from day one,” said Harrington. “Regardless of whether real estate represents one’s first career venture or a change of direction, we provide excellent opportunities and ensure the sky is the limit for everyone on the Weichert team.”

Thinking about kick-starting your career in real estate? Visit the online Career Center on, or call 800-301-3000 to speak in person to a Weichert career counselor.