Drones are perfect for delivering medicines

Bonnie Tillery, Hamilton
Being of a certain age I am not enamored of new technology. However, I was elated to hear that drones are now being used to deliver contraceptive supplies and other medicines to hard to reach locations in developing countries thanks to the United Nations Population Fund and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
When I visited Madagascar, many roads were in horrible condition, some little more than deep, impassable ruts in the rainy season with mud up to the body of four-wheel drive vehicles. In one village, I spoke with a volunteer health worker who walked six hours one way every month to pick up contraceptive supplies.
The World Health Organization estimates that 225 million women around the world want to delay pregnancy, space their children, or have no children, but do not have access to contraceptive supplies. This too often leads to high rates of unplanned pregnancy and prevents women and girls from finishing school or finding employment.In many cases, this hinders them from lifting their families out of poverty.
What a wonderful use for drone technology, bringing health and hope to women who want to voluntarily plan their families! 
Bonnie Tillery 
N. J. Chapter, Sierra Club 
Hamilton 