Metuchen GOP chairman seeks to bolster party membership

In Metuchen’s borough government format, the election cycle is perpetual, a minimum of two at-large seats up for election each year.

The year 2016 promises to be especially busy, regardless of presidential campaign doings.

In even number years, Middlesex County GOP by-laws call for entire Municipal Committee election in the June primary. Duly elected party members, whether on ballot by formal petition (processed through local chair) or by voting machine write-in if no petition submitted, reorganize internally, then attend and vote for county Republican organization officers. It’s a Title 19 state statutory corporate obligation apart from traditional “ward heeling” and local campaign activities.

This year, the petition filing deadline is April 4, which was preceded by Middlesex County’s nominating convention March 19 at Royal Albert’s Palace in Edison, which determines the party’s nominees for Congress, three freeholders and sheriff.

Currently, more than half electable Metuchen GOP Committee seats are vacant due to attrition, generational aging out, career obligations, financial pressures, social preferences as to civic volunteerism, organizational challenges common to slew of peer not-for-profit entities, especially vexing for “special purpose” groups. Our limited number of available persons in 2015 hampered political literature distribution, other essential functions we’d accomplished with relative ease in prior years.

I am looking to refresh the Municipal Committee membership ranks from a mix of GOP presidential campaign and interest group worker lists, plus general community political stakeholders spurred on by the election process as the national campaign takes shape. Additionally, to broaden outreach, the Municipal Committee is introducing such categories as non-voting “observer” status, a circle of advisers and block captain assistant, analogous to county GOP convention guest registrant categories.

In the meantime, Municipal Committee members and Borough Council candidacies must be lined up. All interested persons are urged to contact me, preferably by email, at [email protected].

Metuchen Republican Municipal Committee meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday each month, from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m., pre-announced on the organization’s online information internet hub,

No rest for the weary!

Dan Lebar
Chairman and executive director
Metuchen Republican Municipal Committee