Metuchen warns of thefts

Staff Writer

METUCHEN — A rash of burglaries and thefts to motor vehicles has prompted police to warn residents and the public to lock their car doors.

Police Sgt. Arthur Flaherty said the incidents, which have occurred throughout the borough, started in early November and the incidents are still being investigated.

“It’s been nonstop since then,” he said noting that the department has issued reverse 911 calls warning people to lock their car doors. “In most instances, car doors were left unlocked.”

In one instance, Flaherty said police were dispatched to a burglary to a motor vehicle in progress on Dec. 24, 2015 on Sheffield Place.

The victim told police that he went outside to get something in one of his vehicles when he observed an unknown male sitting in the passenger seat of his other vehicle.

When the victim yelled at the unknown male, the suspect ran off toward Myrtle Park and the victim pursued the suspect on foot and called 911.

“Since the area borders Edison, we notified Edison police and patrol cars descended on the area, but we were not able to locate him,” said Flaherty.

Loose change, cash, laptops, sunglasses and GPS navigational units are some of the items that have been stolen out of the motor vehicles.

Flaherty said the borough has also seen a number of residential burglaries throughout the borough that are still under investigation.