Artistry in Motion Indoor Guard competition set for Feb. 27

On Feb. 27, the Metuchen High School Band and Music Parents will host the Third Annual Artistry in Motion Indoor Guard and Percussion competition at Metuchen High School. The competition will begin at 6 p.m. in the gymnasium of Metuchen High School at 400 Grove Ave.

This competition will host some of the best indoor guard and percussion ensembles from around the state. Schools that are attending include Memorial High School, Arthur L. Clarke High School, North Brunswick High School, New Providence High School, Jefferson Township High School, East Side Winter Guard, Winter Star Guard, True Colors Guard, Matawan Regional High School, North Plainfield High School and of the Metuchen High School Percussion Ensemble, Winter Guard, and their newly formed Indoor Winds Ensemble.

Indoor guard takes all of the beauty and pageantry of color guard and combines it with dance and theater to provide a very unique form of entertainment. Percussion ensembles bring the passion of percussion music inside to amaze everyone that sees them, and the newly formed category of indoor winds combines elements you would find in marching band (wind and brass instruments) and combines them with indoor drum line for what proves to be an exciting leap forward in indoor competitions.

Refreshments, 50/50 and door prizes will be available.

There will also be representatives from the New Jersey University Music Department to talk about music at the next level.

Tickets prices are $10 general admission, $7 for senior citizens and students, and free for children 5 and under.

For more information, email [email protected].