To the editor:
On Saturday, Feb. 20, the annual fire district elections will be held in New Jersey. While this is a strange time to hold an election, it is currently the law. I urge everyone to come out to vote and to support our fire fighters and EMTs here in Hopewell Valley. The men and women of our emergency services give freely of their skills and time to save others often putting themselves in harm’s way.
The Hopewell Township Board of Fire Commissioners has worked long and hard to put together our 2016 budget that balances the needs of our emergency services while being ever mindful of the cost to our taxpayers.
The polls will be open from 2 until 9 p.m. on Saturday. In Hopewell Township the polling place is the Hopewell Township Municipal Building.
Please join me in supporting our volunteers! I hope to see you at the polls.
Michael A. Chipowsky
Hopewell Township
Board of Fire Commissioners