Monroe Township High School awarded $10,000 sustainable energy grant

MONROE – Sustainable Jersey announced that Monroe Township High School has been awarded a $10,000  Sustainable Jersey grant funded by the Gardinier Environmental Fund.

The Green Team will create sustainable energy online units and hands on activities to be shared at each of K-5 and Monroe Township Middle School. This “Energize our Future” will culminate with a “Sustainable Energy Tell a Friend Contest” open to all classes.

Superintendent Michael G. Kozak said that involving students in developing solutions to the real world problem of enhancing renewable energy is not only good for the students and community, but also introduces students to a fast-growing and innovative career path.

“On behalf of the Monroe Township Board of Education, students, staff and the entire community, we appreciate Sustainable Jersey’s efforts in forging this dynamic partnership between state agencies, universities and corporate partners,” Kozak said. “Our students, as our future leaders, are gaining invaluable experience working in a collaborative manner to develop solutions to energy problems facing everyone.”