Group’s shoe collection a success

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

PLUMSTED – Supporters of Plumsted Youth for Nature and Environment (PYNE) performed a “feet” of kindness during December as more than 530 pairs of shoes were collected and donated to individuals in need.

The first “Show Your Sole” drive amassed 474 pairs of shoes, according to the organization that is run by teenagers.

PYNE member Ryan Devine called the results “incredible” and said he was proud of the work he and his fellow members did.

“Our goal was super high and we did not think we would reach it,” he said. “However, kindness spoke volumes over the holidays.”

“Show Your Sole” was  promoted as a “natural expansion” of PYNE’s environmental conscience. The shoes were delivered to the Rescue Mission of Trenton on Jan. 9.

Shoes that are not given directly to homeless individuals will be sold at the mission’s thrift shop. Proceeds from those sales will support the mission’s effort, Devine said.