MCC to open full-day kindergarten program in the fall

Middlesex County College will begin offering a kindergarten class this fall. The program, which will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., will supplement MCC’s existing child care program for those 2 ½ to 6 years old.

“Many of our parents expressed a desire for us to open a kindergarten class,” said Mary Jo Tivenan-Mackintosh, the Child Care director. “The area public schools offer half-day kindergarten, so this is a real need for working parents.”

The curriculum of MCC’s program will align with New Jersey’s kindergarten standards and mirror many of the aspects of the local systems, which will make the transition to first grade easier. MCC’s kindergarten will use the enVisionMATH program and the Creative Curriculum, which is currently taught in the Child Care Center.

“It will be a balanced kindergarten classroom, with hands-on learning, in areas such as literacy and math,” she said. “Being on a college campus, we can offer a unique perspective. The kids visit the College Bookstore, MCC’s dental students do presentations on oral hygiene, the Sign Language Club reads stories and explains how to sign certain words, and we have student groups who read to the kids.”

Tivenan-Mackintosh said the class will consist of 15 to 17 children.

“A certified teacher and aide will be in the classroom at all times,” she said.

The cost is $975 per month, with lunch and a snack included. Before and after care will be available for an additional fee. For more information, call 732-906-2542.

“I’m really looking forward to starting this program,” Tivenan-Mackintosh said. “It’ll be a wonderful, creative atmosphere in which to learn and grow.”