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East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov, along with Senior Center coordinator Karen Theer and senior volunteers, recently accepted a $1,500 grant donation from the Na´tional Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation to the East Windsor Township Senior Center from Marcy Maguire, CEO of Windsor Nissan/Maguire Automotive Group, and Trus´tee of the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation. Automobile Dealers Charita´ble Foundation distributes more than $250,000 to organizations in the public and private sectors each year, supporting a variety of causes, from emergency and medical services to educational programs. Pictured, from left to right, are: Karen Theer, Senior Center coordi´nator; Joan Gordon, Senior Center volunteer; Mayor Mironov; Marcy Maguire, CEO, Wind´sor Nissan/Maguire Automotive Group; and Caryl Schienvar, Senior Center volunteer.