North Brunswick recognizes students for community achievements

By Jennifer Amato
Staff Writer

NORTH BRUNSWICK – Students from Linwood Middle School and North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS) have been recognized for their contributions to the greater community.

The North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC) celebrated the efforts of eighth and 11th graders during the Feb. 16 Township Council meeting.

As part of the men’s and women’s leadership conference, 76 students have been working together to combat underage drinking and encourage mentorship, according to Lou Ann Benson, director of the North Brunswick Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services and coordinator of the MAC.

Councilwoman Cathy Nicola, who is the council liaison to the MAC, said the students are “the hub” for advocating healthy lifestyle choices in their school and private environments.

“Great things happen when kids work with each other. They get so much done,” said Amy Rafano, advisor at the high school. “They are really strong, thinking about doing the right thing and how they can share it with others.”

A banner designed by the students was unveiled during the meeting, and will now hang at Linwood and at the high school.

“The work they do in the community is outstanding and that’s what North Brunswick Hopes is about … being involved in the community, being friends with your neighbors and helping the community,” said Councilman Bob Corbin.

In addition to honoring the Municipal Alliance, Ekta Krishnamoorty was recognized as the DPRCS Scholar Athlete Artist for February.

Ekta is a senior at NBTHS. She is on the high honor roll and is taking honors physics as well as Advanced Placement literature, statistics, psychology and macroeconomics.

She is a member of the French Club and vice president of Future Business Leaders of America.

She is enrolled in a music academy in South Brunswick. She made her two-hour vocal debut in Bangalore, India, followed by a charity concert on behalf of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

She has been on the varsity swim team at NBTHS since her freshman year and is the current captain. She also swam for the Scarlet aquatics program at Rutgers University from 2010-15.

Ekta has offered tutoring in math, English, geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II and basic computer skills.

She is employed by the DPRCS as a lifeguard.

She has volunteered with the United Way in Milltown since 2012 as an administrative assistant. She is also an event planner for the gift wrapping program at Barnes & Noble.

In addition, Ekta is part of the North Brunswick Juvenile Conference Committee and volunteered 70 hours at the Aruna Chetana School for those with disabilities in Bangalore.

Fellow DPRCS lifeguard Erin Welsh was also honored with the DPRCS Scholar Athlete Artist Award for February.

Erin is a junior at NBTHS. She is an honor roll student studying honors English and honors history.

She is a member of the National Honors Society, Prevention Using Student Help (PUSH) and the marketing club DECA.

She has been a member of the NBTHS swim team since 2013, and also swims for the Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County and the North Brunswick Rapids.

She volunteers at the Highland Park Community Food Pantry.

To nominate a student for the Scholar Athlete Artist Award, contact Lou Ann Benson at [email protected] or call 732-247-0922, ext. 475.

Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].