Leadership changes at Arc of Monmouth

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — A new executive director has taken the reins at the Arc of Monmouth.

Linda Mayo stepped into the lead role for the Tinton Falls-based organization with facilities throughout the county, taking over for former executive director Mary Scott, whose retirement was effective Jan. 29.

“My goal right now, together with all the people that we serve, staff, the board, families and our community partners, is really to just tackle all of the state, federal and local level challenges,” Mayo said. “We all know that health care is an amazing rapid fire changing mode, so basically it really is to identify what our challenges are and to identify what our opportunities are within those challenges.

“The goal is to monitor and track and embrace all those challenges and to see what is the best for our goals and our missions.”

Mayo was the chief operating officer of Easter Seals New Jersey, an organization that supports people with disabilities, at a time when the agency served over 7,000 families, had over 1,000 employees, and an annual budget of $100 million.

Most recently, she was the senior vice president of business development and operations of Easter Seals at the national level in Chicago. Mayo has a Master of Science degree from New York University in management and a Master of Social Work in administration from Rutgers University.

“Linda brings over two decades of leadership and experience in non-profits to the Arc, with all the necessary skills and vision to build on the fine legacy of Mary Scott and move the organization forward,” said Board President Joyce Quarles.

Mayo said in recent years the Arc of Monmouth has faced challenges both financially and recovering from the damage of superstorm Sandy on its facilities.

However, Mayo said the Arc of Monmouth currently has all facilities up and running and on stable financial ground.

“Right now we are holding our own, doing well and moving forward. Right now I would say things are stable and steady,” she said.

The Arc of Monmouth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, annually serving more than 1,400 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through education, vocational training, residential services, behavioral healthcare, supported employment, recreation, individual and family supports, self-directed services and advocacy.

“It is such a vital program for the community and the county of Monmouth,” Mayo said.

To learn more, please call (732) 493-1919 or visit www.arcofmonmouth.org.