Climate change opinions are ‘shameful’ in local newspaper

Mark Welch, Montgomery
I subscribed to The Princeton Packet for more than 20 years. Last year, I decided to not renew my subscription. My decision was based on the constant drumbeat of climate change propaganda. Large sections of the Town Forum section, Letters to the Editor and other features contained nothing more than one-sided rants about climate change.
The Packet is our local paper. Why the continuous harping on an issue that anyone with 10 minutes of research and an open mind will find to be a scam? More than 32,000 American scientists (9,000 with PhDs) have signed the Global Warming Petition Project rejecting the climate change scheme. You will now need to find 970,000 scientists to endorse man-made global warming to prove a key tenant of the movement, “97 percent of scientists agree that man’s activities are changing the environment … .”
Back to the primary reason for this letter. The amount of space dedicated to one-sided climate change rants in our local town paper is shameful. This is not what the owners and editor of our local paper should endorse.
I have not renewed my subscription, but I do glance at the free copy that lands in my driveway every now and then, and find that nothing has changed. 
Mark Welch 
Montgomery 