Temple Beth Shalom Religious School, Manalapan

Temple Beth Shalom Religious School begins on an early childhood level of age 5 which meets once per month, a primary level of ages 6 through 7 which meets twice per month for first grade and weekly for second grade during the week. During these times students are exposed to holidays, Bible stories and Hebrew reading readiness through crafts, music and movement. On weekdays, students in grades three through six meet one time a week to master the tools of Judaism and Hebrew reading knowledge of the Shabbat service, holiday rituals and Bible. Some examples of the family programming are God Talks, leading Havdalah, creating their own Tallit and learning to put on Tefillen. Students and families alike lead various prayers in the Family Worship service held during the school year and on the High Holy Days. Seventh grade is considered a new beginning, not a completion. Many of the students choose to continue with the B’Nai Brith Youth Program. Temple Beth Shalom is located at 108 Freehold Road, Manalapan. For more information, call 732-446-1202 or visit www.tbshalom.com.