Safam to perform on April 3 in Metuchen

Safam will once again perform after a 10-year hiatus at 6:30 p.m. April 3 at Neve Shalom, 250 Grove Ave., Metuchen, as the featured performer in the 26th annual Susy Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Fund Concert.

Known for embodying “the Jewish-American sound,” Safam built its reputation with a repertoire of original, singable songs capturing virtually all aspects of the Jewish experience. Based in Boston, Safam is long associated with Rutgers Hillel and regularly filled venues in New Brunswick for many years. Safam lead singer Dan Funk grew up in Highland Park and is the son of Rutgers Hillel’s first and long-tenured director, Rabbi Julius Funk, who passed away in 2006.

Neve Shalom’s annual Susy Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Fund Concert is the primary funding source for the Neve Shalom “Passport to Israel” program, which has, since 1991, helped more than 125 youngsters fulfill their dreams of a travel/study trip to Israel. Concert general admission is $25 in advance for adults, $30 at the door, and $12 for children under 12 years of age. Benefactor ($200) and Patron ($100) sponsorships are available and feature benefits including special seating. Tickets are on sale now at