How to borrow eBooks and audiobooks on mobile devices

Bring your device to the Technology Center at the Main Library, 328 Broadway, Long Branch, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on March 29 to learn how to download free eBooks and audiobooks on your tablets, smartphones and computers.

Devices should be charged and ready to use, but please bring all cords and chargers. To download the free required apps, you will need your usernames and passwords for your Apple, Amazon and/or Google Play accounts. If you do not have these accounts, we can help you register.

Also learn how to use Zinio, our free digital magazine service, to download and read new, full-color current magazines on your portable devices. Other assistance with your tablets may be offered at the library’s discretion. Audiobooks and eBooks are borrowed through eLibraryNJ and you must have a valid Long Branch library card to participate.

Long Branch residents can get a free library card with proof of residency. A subscription card is also available for $20 per year. Registration is required for a 30-minute technology session. Please call Lisa Kelly at 732-222-3900, ext. 2350, to make a technology appointment.