Boater safety classes slated

New Jersey State law requires that all boaters who are operating a powerboat or personal watercraft must possess a Boater Safety Identification Card. Flotilla 2-3 of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary will hold its Boating Safety Classes for the 2016 boating season.

The classes offered by Flotilla 2-3 are designed to inform boaters on the guidelines, laws and techniques necessary to safely operate a powerboat or personal watercraft while enjoying a day on the water. The class is taught by skilled instructors who teach only to United States Coast Guard Standards with more than 100 years of combined experience.

Taking this class will enable boaters to gain the general information they need to act safely, plan outings, navigate waterways, care for your vessel, handle emergencies and comprehend New Jersey State Boating laws and regulations.

After completion of the course, participants will receive an identification card that must be carried at all times while operating a powerboat or personal watercraft. It is important to keep in mind that the Boater Safety Identification Card is not the same as a boating license. However, you must have this card in order to obtain a license while operating your vessel. The card must also be readily available for inspection by a law enforcement officer when asked to do so. Failure to present your card for inspection can result in a hefty fine.

Flotilla 2-3 is currently offering six one-day courses with six dates to choose from. Courses this year will be offered in two locations; the Atlantic Highlands Senior Center on March 19, May 21, and July 23. The second location is at the Eatontown Community Center on April 30, June 11, and Aug. 20. Seating is limited and advanced registration is required. For more information about registration, class times, fees and materials, call 843-997-4289.