CASA program seeks volunteers

The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program of Monmouth County is seeking adults, 21 years and older, to act as advocates for children who have been removed from their homes because they have been abused and neglected.

A CASA volunteer is a trained citizen who is appointed by a judge to represent the best interests of a child in court. In Monmouth County there are approximately 600 children who are victims of abuse and neglect, according to a press release.

A CASA volunteer assists the Family Court and the Division of Child Protection and Permanency in protecting abused and neglected children and ensuring that their interests and needs are most accurately represented in court hearings.

Tasks performed by CASA volunteers include gathering information, researching family history, investigating circumstances, interviewing relevant parties to a case, reviewing files, documenting findings, preparing reports and making recommendations to the court, according to the press release.

A CASA volunteer keeps the judge informed about the child and the progress of services provided to the family. The CASA volunteer usually carries only one case or sibling group at a time. CASA volunteers are professionally trained, court appointed community members who dedicate their time, talents and hearts by advocating on behalf of their assigned child, according to the press release.

To become a volunteer, an individual must complete a background check, fulfill 30 hours of training provided by the program and be able to spend between five and 15 hours a month working on a child’s case. The next training session will be starting in April. For more information, download an application at or call Mary Ellen Rinaldi at 732-460-9100, ext. 1011.