‘Jammin for Jaclyn’ to support another family in need

By Jacqueline Durett

SOUTH AMBOY—What happens when you catch fire with a fundraiser, but then no longer need funds for the original purpose?

If you’re Denise Morgan, you hold the fundraiser, but find another family who is in just as much need as you once were.

Morgan’s first “Jammin’ for Jaclyn” event in 2014 brought in 350 people and helped her daughter, Jaclyn Squillace Olsen, who received a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis during her pregnancy. The event was an evening full of food and entertainment.

A second event, with a similar format, drew 600 attendees — so many people that dinner was served in stages throughout the night.

The events didn’t just help defray Olsen’s medical costs, they also gave her a needed emotional boost, Morgan said. She said Olsen was overwhelmed that so many people wanted to help. And while she still has serious complications from the cancer, she is in remission, while her son, Nicholas, is doing well.

Morgan, who is from South Amboy, said she was grateful for how the community supported her daughter and grandson. She said she also knew she had a great idea and a community that wanted to help others. So, she, her family and some close friends will be moving ahead with “Jammin’ for Jaclyn” this year, but the proceeds will benefit toddler Wyatt Rojewski. Wyatt was diagnosed with neuroblastoma last year.

Morgan said she found out about Wyatt from others in the community and reached out to his family with an offer to help. Wyatt has been having a rough time with chemotherapy, but continues to persevere.

“The kid’s a trooper. He’s an amazing kid,” she said.

Morgan said she thinks the event will have a similar impact on Wyatt’s family as it did for her daughter.

“I can’t wait to see their faces,” she said of Wyatt’s family. “It’s going to be a beautiful, amazing night,” she said.

This year’s event will be held 4-11 p.m. on April 16 at the Knights of Columbus building. It will feature a wide selection of food, including vegan options, thanks in large part to the many sponsors from all over the state who have signed up to participate, she said. Musical acts, including Morgan’s son, Michael, are scheduled the full length of the evening. Morgan also is partnering with RJC Charities, a 501(c)3 organization, so donations are tax-deductible.

Morgan said she plans to speak at the event and will be sharing Jaclyn’s story to help others. She said she plans to talk about how Olsen was misdiagnosed by two doctors. However, Morgan said, her daughter knew something was wrong and pressed on. The third doctor discovered her stage 3 cancer.

“I want Jammin’ for Jaclyn to make an impact,” she said. “If your gut is telling you something is wrong, something is wrong.”

Morgan said she will determine the recipient for next year’s fundraiser based on who reaches out to her with a need. Going forward, she said, the event would ideally benefit a different local family who has been touched by a cancer diagnosis. The family who benefited the prior year would ideally assist with putting the following year’s event together.

“I think this is our purpose,” Morgan said of her and her family. “I think this is what we’re supposed to do.”

That belief means it’s full steam ahead for Morgan and her supporters.

“Someday I want that room to be filled with all the people in the community that we helped,” she said. “If we get the community to back us and help us so much like they are doing now, we want to continue this forever.”

Morgan said those interested should just show up at the door. The minimum requested donation is $25, and Morgan said arrangements can be made for take-out versions of dinner for those who are short on time but want to participate. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to Wyatt’s family.

“Jammin’ for Jaclyn” has a sister event with the RJC Charities June 5 car show at Sayreville High School. That event will also support Wyatt’s needs.

For more information, visit the “Jammin’ for Jaclyn” page on Facebook or call Morgan at 732-525-9536.