Red Bank Democrats fill ticket

Staff Writer

RED BANK — The borough’s Democratic Party have taken the first steps toward the November general election.

The borough’s Democratic Party announced in a March 11 press release its candidates running for the two open Borough Council seats, which are currently held by Republican Council President Cindy Burnham and Democratic Councilwoman Kathy Horgan.

The candidates are Horgan, who is running for her fourth three-year term on council, and a political newcomer, Erik Yngstrom.

Yngstrom, an alternate on the borough Zoning Board of Adjustment and attorney for the Tashjy Law Firm, LLC in Wall Township, seeks to preserve what he sees as the town’s uniqueness.

“As a member of the Zoning Board, I have fought hard to maintain the small-town character of Red Bank. If fortunate enough to be elected, I will continue my fight against overdevelopment as a member of the Borough Council,” Yngstrom said.

Horgan, who works for The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) in New York, is running on what she sees as a record of maximizing government efficiency and saving money for taxpayers.

“I have relentlessly pursued efficiency in local government and creative solutions to our town’s fiscal issues,” Horgan said.

“I’m most proud of my work to streamline the borough’s operations by overhauling our information systems, creating quicker response times and savings for taxpayers,” she said.

The Councilman and Chairman of the Red Bank Democratic Party, Ed Zipprich, endorsed both candidates as the Party’s standard bearers.

“I have worked with Councilwoman Horgan doing the right things for our town over these many years, and I am proud to support both Kathy and Erik, who are deeply committed to give voice to all Red Bank residents,” said Zipprich, who is also the chairman of the Red Bank Democrats.

The borough Democrats are looking to reverse a three-year string of election losses, which led to the Republicans having a majority for the first time in over two decades.

The Borough Council currently stands at a 4-2 Republican majority with Burnham, Linda Schwabenbauer, Mark Taylor and Michael Whelan.

Horgan and Zipprich are the only Democrats on council. Mayor Pasquale Menna is also a member of the borough Democrats.

As of press time, the Red Bank Republicans did not announce candidates for the November election.