EAST WINDSOR: Township recognizes Women’s History Month

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR – Mayor Janice Mironov was joined by local and county elected officials as she issued a proclamation recognizing March as Women’s History Month during the township meeting March 8.
“Tonight I am issuing a proclamation for Women’s History Month for all of those who remain unnamed here tonight along with Diane, Paula, Denise and Susan to make sure that we continue to provide those opportunities for all the young women in our communities so that they too can be whatever they want to be,” said Mayor Mironov.
East Windsor Council Member Denise Daniels, Hightstown Borough Council Member Susan Bluth, Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello and Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky joined Mayor Mironov to help issue the proclamation.
According to the proclamation, “the contributions made by women to our civic, political and cultural life throughout the history of the United States, the State of New Jersey and the Township of East Windsor are noteworthy and have benefited all of us. Women have made important changes in areas including social reform, women’s equality, health care reform, education reform, archaeology and anthropology, business and politics.”
“It is still very important in our country to remember that many of the rights and opportunities for women have been much slower in coming,” said Mayor Mironov. “Sometimes people forget that the right to vote didn’t happen all that long ago and certainly well after everyone else in these United States.”
She said that women have for many years had to struggle more, work harder, and often be better to be able to achieve at the same level as a male.
“Many of those conditions have fortunately been changing over the years and certainly the opportunities today are much more expansive than they were for our children and our grandchildren to be able to achieve and to be whatever they want to be,” said the mayor.
She said that’s one of the tremendous things in our country, in our civilization and society.
“It’s important to continue to remember that there’s been a long history to get to this point and that we’ve had a lot of trailblazers in our country and in our state,” she said. “I asked these people to come in because they were all out there plugging and achieving doing things in many cases in roles weren’t as women seen as frequently as women’s roles.”
In February 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the Week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week, according to National Women’s History Project website.
Mayor Mironov said she enjoys learning from her colleagues, people who are to be respected and admired for standing up on issues, for their achievements, and for being good colleagues as fellow elected officials.
Hightstown Council member Susan Bluth said that Mayor Mironov paved the way for her.
“It was my admiration and respect for you that got me involved in running for office and serving my community,” she said. “Thank you.”
Ms. Gerofsky said she just wanted to thank the mayor and the council for recognizing this event every year.
“Mayor Mironov is really the one who has really continued the tradition and has made us feel special for all that we have done to contribute particularly us in politics,” she said.
County Clerk Sollami-Covello thanked the mayor as well for recognizing us and pointed out it was International Women’s Day.