We must develop alternative forms of energy

John Pinelli Jr., Princeton
While watching CNN news I listened to the candidates who were running for the office of president. I heard the words “global warming,” “pollution” and “infrastructure” used only once.
These topics should have been featured in all of the candidates’ speeches right from the start, as these subjects dramatically affect the future of mankind.
The shrinking of ice caps of the north and south poles, along with the melting of the glaciers, are affecting the water levels of the oceans. Eventually, low-lying areas along the coasts will be under water. Land levels of western central New Jersey are only 50 feet above sea level.
The burning of fossil fuels is the main culprit. The advancement of civilization means more factories, vehicles and homes burning more fossil fuels. Alternative energy is a must. Research is needed in this area. Eventually we will run out of fossil fuels, which is another reason to develop alternative energy. 
John Pinelli Jr. 
Princeton 