Eric Sucar

‘Science Monday’ at Brookdale March 28

Claire Antonucci, executive director of the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, Sandy Hook, will outline her organization’s proposed curriculum to help grammar and high school science teachers explain the science behind climate change studies at 6 p.m. on March 28 at Brookdale Community College (BCC), Lincroft. The meeting, open to the public, includes the BCC Environmental Club and students, the Jersey Shore (Monmouth) Sierra Group and other environmental organizations.

Antonucci’s talk, part of BCC’s “Science Monday” environmental lectures, is sponsored by BCC’s Environmental Club to encourage students to be involved in statewide and national debates on the importance of strong environmental protections.  A pizza and subs buffet begins at 6 p.m. in Warner Student Life Center (SLC) Twin Lights Rooms I and II. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

The Consortium’s proposed curriculum will explain how man-made greenhouse gasses are the major cause of climate change – the  global warming of air and water temperatures — which is affecting not only marine and terrestrial environments, including New Jersey’s coastal waters and shorelines, but the food chain that supports all life.