Historical figures ‘come to life’ at Judd Elementary

NORTH BRUNSWICK – Fourth grade students of Judd Elementary School brought history to life in their own living wax museum on March 21.

Approximately 125 fourth graders gathered in the school gym to hold this annual event. More than 100 family members, friends, Judd staff and North Brunswick school administrators “met” celebrities, sports stars, presidents and influential people during the interactive wax museum visit, according to Principal Joseph Schmidt. Guests “heard” from prominent people such as Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, JK Rowling, Helen Keller, George Washington Carver and others.

Students were required to read many biographies as part of their biography reading unit, Schmidt said. Participants then had to research the life of one person. Each student assembled a costume and generated a poster, a timeline and a speech in first person point-of-view.

Fourth graders were also equipped with special “activation” stickers. Using these special “buttons,” students were able to make history “come to life.”