Irked by proposed school budget

What a surprise. Property taxes will rise again in East Brunswick to support the school system. Instead of having teachers, administrators and public-school employees pay more for their health benefits, the business administrator blames the charter school.

Let’s see. My family has been paying property taxes in East Brunswick for more than 85 years. How long has the charter school been in existence? Yet every year property taxes go up to support the school system. A convenient scapegoat they have in the charter school … it gives the Board of Education an excuse for not doing due diligence to control property-tax increases. I especially liked the tax increase to support “a provision for capital improvements,” whatever that means. No explanation given … just move along, nothing to see here.

The public-school cartel wins again, thanks to nobody fighting for the taxpayers, especially for seniors who get nothing in return from supporting the public schools.


Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick