Red Bank looks to bring back riverboat cruises

Staff Writer

RED BANK- The borough council is looking to flesh out plans to add riverboat cruises in Marine Park.

Discussion arose during the March 23 Red Bank Borough Council meeting that focused on addressing  the criteria for a Request For Proposal (RFP) as well as the possible impact adding the venue would have on parking in the borough.

“We have to look for ways in which we have to address the issues of allocations for parking for that area as well as not inferring with other establishments there,” said Mayor Pasquale Menna at the council meeting.

“It’s going to take some time and creativity,” Menna said.

River boat cruises are nothing new to Red Bank, according to Menna. Some years ago, a vessel, known as The Big Kahuna, once operated out of Marine Park, which is on the Navesink River.

“It was successful. The owners made a lot of money and they didn’t go out of business. They actually sold the franchise, and because of that, there were restrictions and they had to move outside the area,” Menna said.

The addition of this new feature of the town would keep the borough moving forward, according to Menna.

“I keep on saying at every council meeting, that we are in extraordinarily challenging times and we have to continue not to rest on our laurels but look at new things to do to keep Red Bank competitive,” he said.

According to Menna, it could be possible to see criteria for a RFP by the next  council meeting on April 13.

Councilman Mark Taylor added that this was something that needed more time to look into and a decision does not have to be made for some time.

“This is a decision for 2017 not 2016 so we really have some time to try to flesh this out properly,” he said.

Council President Cindy Burnham also chimed in on the possibility of adding river boat crusises to Marine Park.

“Red Bank is surrounded by more water than land. To not use the water is crazy,” she said, adding that she believed it was a ‘fabulous idea’.

“I think it’s going to make Red Bank more hip. It’s a draw to the town and its unique,” Burnham said.

Red Bank RiverCenter Executive Director James Scavone, who heads the organization that represents businesses in the borough’s down town area, says  that the cruises could prove beneficial to both the borough and area business owners.

“Anything that we try that is going to increase business, increase customers and things to do in Red Bank, I think it’s definitely worth the effort,” he said.

Even though the addition of river boat tours could see dining on the Navesink, Scavone believes that would not have too much effect on restaurants that currently exist in the borough.

“I’m not sure that the dinner cruise crowd is the same crowd that would go to Bistro or Char for the night, so hopefully it would just increase the customer base  and bring new people into Red Bank who are looking for that kind of experience,” Scavone said.