Woodbridge Public Library hosts teen programs to celebrate Youth Month

The Woodbridge Public Library is offering several events for grades 6-12, including craft programs, a movie matinee, and a free college financial aid seminar to celebrate Woodbridge Township Youth Month.

Teens and tweens can participate in a poetry-themed craft program at the Main Library and branches throughout April, which is also National Poetry Month. Students can create black-out poetry, mixed bag poetry, and make their own DIY magnetic poetry kits. The best poems will be showcased on the library’s Teen Space blog at wplteenspace.tumblr.com. This event will take place April 5 at the Main Library, and be repeated April 13 at the Fords branch, April 20 at the Iselin branch, and April 28 at the Henry Inman branch. The program runs from 3:30-5 p.m. at each location and is open to grades 6-12.

A special Teen Mystery Matinee Movie program will take place April 12 from 3:45-6 p.m. in the Main Library Meeting Room for grades 8-12. The movie shown will be a surprise, and there will be movie bingo, trivia, and snacks. The film is rated PG-13.

High school students and parents can attend the college financial aid program How to Pay for College Without Going Broke on April 28 at 7 p.m. in the Main Library Meeting Room as part of the library’s Money Smart Week initiative. Martin Eller, CPA and certified college planning specialist, will share information and insights on the college planning process. Topics will include choosing the right college, options for paying for college in the most efficient way, and how to maximize student potential.

For more information about these programs, parents and teens can visit the Library Calendar at http://www.woodbridgelibrary.org, or contact the Teen Services librarian at 732-634-4450 ext. 7130 or by emailing [email protected].