HILLSBOROUGH: Zwicker slated to attend Democratic Alliance event 

Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker to meet with the Hillsborough Democratic Alliance on Wednesday, April 6, beginning at 6:45 p.m. at the Avalon Assisted Living Center, 393 Amwell Road.
This will be an informal “meet and greet” for Democrats in town to give input on local happenings, and meet Mr. Zwicker, who has been in office since January.
He will talk about issues and bills that relate directly or indirectly to Hillsborough — the Transportation Trust Fund, affordable housing, emergency management, taxes, education and energy. He will take questions from the audience.
Representatives for Laurie Poppe, the Democratic candidate for Hillsborough Township Committee, will be on hand. Democrats and others are welcome to attend, at no fee. Refreshments will be available beginning at 6:45 and the meeting will start at 7. More information on Hillsborough Democrats can be found at www.hillsboroughdemocrats.org or on Facebook. You may also email [email protected] to RSVP or for information.
The Alliance is the Democratic club of Hillsborough, and plans to have speakers and events at its bi-monthly meetings through 2016. You do not need to be an elected or appointed district representative to participate actively in the club.