EAST WINDSOR: The plot ready to thicken for green thumbs

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR – Green thumbs unite.
The township is accepting applications from residents for participation in its community garden.
The community garden is on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park.
It provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables.
There are a total of 20 plots in the East Windsor Township Community Garden, according to Mayor Janice Mironov.
“The community garden was an initiative of the Township Health AdvisoryBoard and was launched in 2014,” said Mayor Mironov. “The garden is a component of East Windsor Township’s sustainability efforts, as reflected in our recentaward of Silver level certification by Sustainable Jersey.”
She said that the garden offers an opportunity for residents who rent their homes or do not otherwise have yards to start a garden, to have use of a plot of land to plant whatever they wish – vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs.
“The participants obviously can keep whatever they are able to produce in their gardens,” she said. “It offers a fun experience to meet other gardeners, to learn more about gardening locally.“
And it also serves as an opportunity to underscore Jersey Fresh, remembering that agriculture is an important valued industry in New Jersey, she added.
According to the application form, in the event that there are more applications received than there are plots available, the township will hold a lottery to assign plots. In the event a resident do not receive a plot, the application fee will be refunded and the resident can be placed on a waiting list. In order to ensure that the greatest number of residents have an opportunity to participate, residents will only be able to apply for one plot.
The fee for the plot is $50. Cash or check will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to the Township of East Windsor. The plot rental fees are non-refundable.
Gardeners will be assigned a plot and the garden will be open for planting in early April, tentatively on April 9, weather permitting. The plots will be identified by a numbering system and each gardener will be assigned a plot number, according to the application.
To obtain an application or further information, contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238 or visit the website at http://east-windsor.nj.us/events/2016/communitygardenapp.pdf.