MONTGOMERY: School board hires architect for renovation projects

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
MONTGOMERY — With voter approval of a proposed $18.5 million bond referendum behind them, school district officials have hired an architect to draw up detailed plans in anticipation of going out to bid for the work.
Parette Somje Architects has been awarded a $1.6 million contract for architectural services and part-time construction supervision for the repair and renovation projects by the Montgomery Township Board of Education.
School district officials will try to get some of the work done during the summer, said Superintendent of Schools Nancy Gartenberg. Most school districts have already awarded contracts to construction companies for their summer projects, she said.
The list of projects, which ranges from window and roof replacements to classroom remodeling, will take about two years to complete. Some of the work cannot be done while students are in school, and that’s why there is an emphasis on trying to get some of it accomplished during the summer.
School districts are required to maintain a long-range facility plan, which is reviewed periodically. Based on a 2014 facilities needs assessment, a list of projects and improvements was prepared for each of the schools.
Roof replacements are planned for the Orchard Hill and Village elementary schools, and for the Lower Middle and Upper Middle schools. Bathroom renovations are planned for the two elementary schools and the Upper Middle School.
At the Orchard Hill Elementary School, the boiler and the gym floor will be replaced, as well as the windows in the older portion of the school. The gym partitions will also be replaced.
The Village Elementary School will get music room alterations and the installation of a second exit in the rear parking lot. The music room will allow the student musicians to move from the cafeteria to classrooms, improving acoustics.
A playground will be installed at the Lower Middle School, along with replacements of the boiler and the chiller. The Media Center carpet will be replaced.
At the Upper Middle School, the Media Center will be renovated. The Home Economics room will be converted into an art room. In the gym, the floor will be renovated and the bleachers and gym dividers will be replaced.
Outside, the running track will be replaced, the gravel transportation parking lot will be repaved, and parking and drop-off/pick-up areas will be installed. The underground storage tanks for fuel will be removed and new ones installed above ground.
The track at Montgomery High School’s Cougar Stadium will be resurfaced. Bathroom floors will be replaced.
A sidewalk will be installed to county Route 601 at the main entrance into the high school campus. Somerset County is going to install sidewalks on the opposite side of the road. Students walk from the high school campus to Blawenburg, and this will improve safety for them. 