Town establishes ‘safe exchange zone’

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

JACKSON – Municipal officials have created a “safe exchange zone” where transactions between strangers that have their origins on the Internet can take place in an area that is under police surveillance.

Two parking spots at the Jackson Police Department have been designated as an area where individuals can complete a transaction that resulted from an Internet exchange. The parking spots will be under video surveillance by police.

Councilman Barry Calogero said the idea came from a post he saw on social media which reported that officials in Robbinsville, Mercer County, had established a “safe exchange zone” in their community. Calogero said he conferred with Mayor Michael Reina and Police Chief Matthew Kunz and the Jackson initiative took shape.

Internet sites that offer classified ads help people come together to complete transactions, but in some cases the interactions between strangers can have negative consequences. In response, police have started to establish exchange zones where the parties can meet in a safe environment.

The signs posted in the police department parking lot clearly state the area is under surveillance. The signs include a telephone number for the police in case something goes awry with the transaction.

Calogero said the designated parking spaces can be used for non-monetary transactions such as a child custody exchange.

“It doesn’t say that on the sign, but any time there is any concern for any transaction, I would tell someone to use that area,” the councilman said.