Metuchen seminar offers new business tips

The Metuchen Area Chamber of Commerce will present a panel of local business owners, financial advisors and borough zoning officials an overview of the preparation needed to open a new business in Metuchen, N.J.

All, too often, an excellent restaurant or novelty food shop fails because it was unable to reach its true target audience.

Sign up now for the three-part Online Marketing seminar series the Chamber is offering in April.

APRIL 5, 12, 19: Online Marketing: Making Social Media Work for You.
9:00 a.m-12:00 noon. YMCA Office-483 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen.

No fee for Chamber members, non-Chamber members $15.

Susan Wilcox of e-Dynamic Marketing delivers three in-depth sessions designed to help business owners take full advantage of social media, email marketing and online promotions to generate sales and grow their business. A total of 9 hours of Online Marketing information that could mean the difference between success and non-success for your business. Below is a partial glimpse of areas the seminar will cover:

Online Marketing Strategy and Brand Development
Developing an effective strategy and actionable goals for online marketing.

Content Marketing
Crafting what you say and how you say it to attract and engage your customers.

The Power of the Inbox
Email marketing incredibly simple, yet powerful.

Social Media Basics … What channels are right for you?
Leveraging the power of social media for you business, selecting the right platform, what to post and how often to post.

Editorial Calendar
What to write and how to manage daily social media postings to attract and engage customers and how to use an editorial calendar to help you automate your online posts so you make the most of your time. This is the one marketing seminar you need to take this year!

Upcoming Chamber Seminars:

Apr. 26: Does Your Business Have an Emergency READY Plan? 8:00 a.m-9:30 am.

Business restoration specialist Chris Schoen of SERVPRO Edison shows how to prepare your business for the unexpected. Metuchen Public Library 480 Middlesex Ave. Metuchen. No fee for Chamber members. Non-Chamber members $15 donation to Friends of Metuchen Library. Must register: (732) 548-2964 or [email protected].