Deli movie, dinner, concert set at temple

A screening of the film “Deli Man,” followed by a deli dinner and a concert by Cantors Jack and Fredda Mendelson, will begin at 6 p.m. April 16 at Temple B’nai Shalom, 15 Fern Road, East Brunswick.

By the 1930s New York City had at least 1,500 kosher and kosher-style delis; there are less than 24 today. The temple event is designed to offer a nostalgic experience, not only about delicatessens, but also about the migration of the Jewish people into the American culture.

Pricing at the patron level is $54 per person and includes the concert, dinner and the movie. Other sponsorship levels are available.

For more information or to reserve a seat, log on to or call 732-251-4300, ext. 222.