Eric Sucar

Fundraiser to assist Lincroft Fire Company on May 20

By Kayla J. Marsh
Staff Writer

MIDDLETOWN – The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lincroft Fire Company will once again hold its Hi-Lo Fundraiser to help raise funds to provide some much-needed equipment for the local fire company.

The Hi-Lo Spring Fundraiser will take place on May 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lincroft Fire House at 601 Newman Springs Road.

“Over the past four years, the Ladies Auxiliary has held this event twice a year in the fall and spring, and I think it has been very successful,” member Maria Dunn said. “People are always asking us to host this more often.”

Since its formation in the 1930’s, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Lincroft Fire Company has been a significant support system for the volunteer emergency services organization.

Aside from fundraising events and social activities, the Ladies Auxiliary supplies food and beverages to volunteers after large fires and to those “on call” during state of emergencies.

The Lincroft Fire Company, organized in 1932, is a 100 percent volunteer emergency services organization and is one of the 11 fire companies in the Middletown Township Fire Department.

“Proceeds from the fundraiser go towards the purchase of critical equipment such as new helmets, boots and other necessities that help keep our men and women safe,” Dunn said. “We want them to have the best equipment possible and we really rely on the support of people who come to these types of events and I think they are happy to show their support.”

Tickets cost $10 each and can be purchased in advance or at the door on a first come, first serve basis. Doors open at 7 p.m. and reservations, with full payment, are accepted for tables of eight.

“The fundraiser offers an opportunity for friends to get together locally and have a great time,” Dunn said.

According to Dunn, no skills are required to play the Hi-Lo game.

At each game table set up, playing cards will be dealt out, and as the caller calls off cards from a separate deck, players remove the called card from their hands, and when a player has no cards left, they win.

Dunn said each winner will select a prize from a pile of more than 150 wrapped gifts and there are multiple winners in each game.

There will be free door prizes and raffles sold for gift baskets and a 50/50 prize, while Dunn said everyone is guaranteed to go home with at least one prize.

The Ladies Auxiliary is currently accepting contributions for game prizes and gift baskets.

Dessert, coffee and tea will be available.

“We wanted to do something for the Fire Company and so many residents have now gotten involved with this and it really has brought a lot people together,” Dunn said.

“It is very local, reasonably priced and you can come with your family and friends and chit-chat and just have a good time and support your local fire company.”