South Brunswick police on alert for distracted driving

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – South Brunswick Police will be taking part in a statewide effort to crack down on distracted driving this month.

“Last year there were over 2,500 crashes in South Brunswick and the vast majority was caused by driver inattention. This effort is meant to create greater awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and enhanced enforcement,” Police Chief Raymond Hayducka said in a statement prepared by the South Brunswick Police Department.

For the third year, UDrive, UText, UPay will institute an increased number of officers on patrol who will be focused on drivers who are talking on a hand-held cell phone, sending text messages or operating their vehicle without due caution, Hayducka said.

Some recent examples of distracted driving crashes with injuries in South Brunswick include: a 50-year-old male looking down at the radio and striking the car in front of him on March 29 at Route 1 and Major Road; a 37-year-old female striking two vehicles in front of her on Finnegans Lane on March 19, not realizing traffic had stopped; a 25-year-old female going through a red light at Route 522 and New Road, striking three cars on March 15; a 19-year-old male rear ending a vehicle on Ridge Road on March 4, not noticing the vehicle was stopped and waiting to turn; a 30-year-old male striking nine vehicles in front of him on Route 130 on Feb. 25; a 35-year-old female possibly falling asleep while driving on Feb. 2, striking the vehicle in front of her on Route 1; and a 54-year-old female looking down for her sunglasses while driving on Route 1 on Jan. 19, rear ending the vehicle in front of her.




“It is every driver’s responsibility to pay attention and drive with caution. These recent cases highlight the dangers of simply taking your eyes off the road. Our efforts to increase awareness and enforcement will result in fewer injuries,” Hayducka said.