HOPEWELL VALLEY: School’s thespians gain awards at state festival 

Hopewell Valley Central High School’s Thespian Troupe 7964 received numerous medals at the New Jersey State Thespian Festival, held at Robbinsville High School on March 12 and 13.
Every student who earned a superior rating at the state festival was also awarded a medal. The students who received a superior rating for an individual event were Lily Rutman, Andres Moledo, Danielle Costanzo, Olivia Olcott, Uri Zerbib, Thomas Sherman, Ethan Seftor, Rhea Yadav, Laura Zoog, Isabella Lundquist, Bryan Hill, Luke Nash and Max Clark.
The group musical theater number, “Morning Glow,” from Pippin also received a superior rating. The technical team came in second place in the advanced challenge and was a top finisher in the technical Olympics.
Out of the entire festival, two Hopewell Valley Central students, Rhea Yadav and Laura Zoog, had their musical theater solos selected to perform in a special showcase as two of the top five event finishers of the entire conference.
The Thespian Society is an international organization that celebrates excellence in high school theater, with troupes participating in state and national events.
Hopewell Valley Central High School formed a troupe three years ago, led by Katie Rochon, and since then has sent several groups of students to compete at the International Thespian Festival, which is held each year in June on the campus of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. This year, Troupe 7964 will send five students to participate and compete at the festival. 