WEST WINDSOR: Clarification of Canal Pointe Boulevard proposal process

M. Patricia Ward, Community Development Director
Councilman Hemant Marathe published a letter sent by him to Mayor Shing-Fu Hsueh. In this letter, there were statements made about a Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by my department about which Mr. Marathe makes statements which require clarification and correction.
First, Mr. Marathe states that council members were not aware that an RFP for engineering design services for the repaving and restriping of Canal Pointe Boulevard had been issued. That’s true. As standard practice many departments do not notify council that an RFP is being issued. This is a process of our internal project management. With regard to capital projects managed by Community Development, we have a number of pre-qualified firms from which we request responses/costs for work proposals. Once we receive and review the responses, we then draft a transmittal memorandum to administration, which gets included in the information presented to council, showing the various prices that were submitted for the project, and recommending a particular firm, typically the firm at the lowest price. The council members are not involved in the issuance of the RFP but are advised of the result, the award of which requires their approval.
For this particular project, at the council budget meeting on Feb. 26, council had requested that Community Development issue the RFP without delay, wanting to move the project along quickly, and were advised the RFP could be issued in March, with a contract brought to them for award in April, which we did.
Mr. Marathe goes on to say that, “Moreover, the RFP emphasizes the “Road Diet” as the only option.” This is untrue. The RFP mentions the reduction in lanes as a potential design option in a bullet under the Introduction, which reads (underline added by me):
“West Windsor Township is currently seeking consensus for the implementation of a “Road Diet” based on the Canal Pointe Boulevard Road Diet Study dated March 2015 prepared by the Burns Group. This report recommends reducing the total number of travel lanes from four (4) to three (3) with one travel lane in each direction and a central turning lane, along with six (6) foot wide bicycle lanes. Improvements will not include concrete curb relocation or replacement but rather striping improvements only, however, improved and proposed crosswalks are anticipated with the implementation of a “Road Diet.” A final decision and direction will be given to the successful consultant during the contract period, and prior to the preparation of design plans. A copy of the Burns Group report and maps will be provided to the successful consultant, or can be downloaded from the Township website.”
The remainder of the RFP (five pages) describes Scope of Work which includes surveys, plans, construction details and permitting, project meetings, bid assistance, construction management, pavement cores, proposal submission requirements, and additional conditions. This is the format and process we have used for the 13 years I have been with the township. Nothing about this process has changed because of the nature of this project. Striping the road as either four lanes or under a Road Diet is a matter of the final paint and some possible additional traffic signs. It is not the more important and involved part of road reconstruction, storm sewer repairs and paving.
My staff and I have made ourselves available to council to answer any questions. We brought the Burns Group consultant back for an additional council work session for the same presentation made at an open house meeting last year. We have spoken with and received written comments from numerous residents, the majority of which want a safer road for themselves and their families.
As with the Alexander Road ‘S’ curve, failure to make Canal Pointe Boulevard a safer roadway after these studies and professional recommendations, I fear that West Windsor will leave itself open to liability for any accident that occurs if improvements that increase safety are not made. 
M. Patricia Ward 
Director, Community Development 
West Windsor Township 