Edison AARP will meet April 18 at Our Lady of Peace Parish Center

Edison AARP Chapter 3446 will meet on April 18 at 1 p.m. The meeting will be held at Our Lady of Peace Parish Center, Franklin Avenue, Fords section of Edison. This month’s meeting will feature Harry Bernstein and his Watering Can Band.

A few subscriptions are available for the Paper Mill Playhouse 2016-2017 season. Call Doris at 732-603-8788 for reservations.

A trip to New Hampshire’s Indian Head Inn and tour is slated for June 20-24. Call Bob at 732-885-1789 for more information. All trips are open to the public.

Eyeglasses for the Lions Club, as well as canned food and miscellaneous items for veterans, hospitals, and nursing homes, will be collected at the meeting.

For additional information on the chapter or upcoming events, visit www.edisonaarp.org.