New Colts Neck contract awaits ratification

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

COLTS NECK – The Colts Neck K-8 School District Board of Education has come to a tentative agreement with the Colts Neck Township Education Association (CNTEA) on a new contract for the district’s teachers.

At the board’s April 6 meeting, board Vice President Kathryn Gizzo, who chairs the Finance-Negotiations Committee, said the two parties have a tentative deal on a three-year contract.

The terms of the contract will be shared with the public after the contract has ratified. It is not known when the contract will be ratified, officials said. Representatives of both parties are working on salary guides.

Union members have been working under the terms of the previous contract.

In other business, board member Heather Tormey, who chairs the Communications Committee, said the panel’s members have discussed the possibility of updating the school district’s website so it will be easier to navigate.

Tormey said committee members have discussed the possibility of creating an online page on which alumni of Colts Neck’s schools would be able to post their accomplishments, the name of the school they attend or have attended, and their accomplishments after leaving the district.

Tormey also mentioned the possibility of live streaming board meetings or recording board meetings so members of the public may view the panel’s actions.