HILLSBOROUGH: Zoning board will solicit its own cell tower report 

An independent radio frequency engineer will be hired by the zoning Board of Adjustment to study the Verizon Wireless application to erect a 120-foot tower holding eight antennae in a residential area behind the Woods Road firehouse.
The zoning board voted April 6 to hire an engineer to advise the board, specifically to create a report on possible locations and methodologies for providing 4G LTE service in the Hillsborough-Belle Mead area. Verizon would be required to pay for the report.
Verizon presented engineer David Stern, who testified March 16 that the tower at 324 Woods Road would help fill a coverage gap proven nine years ago in the Hillsborough Road and Millstone River Road areas. He cited customer complaints and tests driving around the area.
He asked if the board was going to hire its own engineer, seemingly triggering the idea to the board.
His testimony is scheduled to continue at the June 15 meeting.
Mr. Stern said a tower had to be outside of 1,000 feet of the Delaware and Raritan Canal. He said there were no water or electric transmission towers, tall buildings or other monopoles in the necessary area.
Some residents asked about the possibility of locating on the Mattawang Golf Course, but Mr. Stern’s testimony ended before a complete answer was given. 